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ESSENTIA | Exhibition Project

Light.  Shadows.  Desert.

  • Title:  
    ESSENTIA  |  Light. Shadows. Desert.
  • Artist:
    Nik Barte
  • Curator:
    Svetlana Grnčaroska


ESSENTIA is a heartfelt, direct and extremely intimate story created to draw the attention of the viewer to the silent sufferings of Mother Nature and to do it with an authentic, transparent and genuine emotional involvement by using the language of Art and Beauty. 

ESSENTIA personifies the Desert Herself – an intense feminine presence! - revealing different details of her exceptionally refined beauty, deliberately hidden from anyone incapable of perceiving its precious immensity and invisible to those who have forgotten how to look with and within their own hearts. This is She who is speaking. Her name is ESSENTIA.

She whispers the eternal wisdom that being alive signifies an immense privilege which bears serious responsibilities. This is both fascinating and uncomfortable statement, exactly as love is, precisely as Art should be. It’s a testimony collected by the means of photographic medium and presented in a very honest and direct manner, without any manipulation. 

The basic idea of the exhibition is to introduce a sequence of selected photographs acting as a highly intuitive aesthetic experience, creating the actual narrative in form of a vortex of inner questions, a hypnotic journey between the dunes, under the desert’s sky, accompanied by the rustling of the wind and caressed by the sand, with the intent to create an almost meditative experience about the essence of our existence. The goal is to activate feelings, to stir thoughts, to cause a rebirth of the awareness, consciousness and kindness as an essential understanding that we are all connected - that we are all One! - in order to transmit the feeling of the real emergency to start seriously taking care of Mother Nature.

ESSENTIA is part of the desARTification project, a story that has its origin in a sacred place, the Desert. For that reason, the presence of an almost alchemical language can be felt, syntactic structures made of spirit and sand, light and shadows, mixed carefully with immeasurable quantities of unconditional love and purity of the soul. These are ancient letters, authentic archaic drawings from the past. These are secrets that we have apparently forgotten but the truth is that we carry them somewhere deep inside, as a mark of our destiny. This is the codex of our existence. This is the Essence of Life.

ESSENTIA is selection of 88 (99, 110, …) photographs intended to be displayed in spacious environments, principal galleries or museums. 



ESSENTIA Catalogues Volume 1 and Volume 2

Discover the heartfelt, emotional and extremely intimate story of the silent sufferings of Mother Nature between the pages of the ESSENTIA Exhibition catalogues, told with the language of Art and Beauty directly to your Heart.

Browse online the ESSENTIA Exhibition catalogues:
Volume 1  -  Volume 2,
or get your own printed copy:  Volume 1  -  Volume 2.

We welcome contacts from galleries, collectors, museums, art foundations, corporate art collections and philanthropic institutions, exhibition spaces and art venues interested about ESSENTIA exhibition project.

Contact Us for any further information.

desARTification © 2020 Nik Barte - All rights reserved - P.IVA 03848990986